How to Help While Staying Home During COVID-19

How to Help While Staying Home During COVID-19

Though the COVID-19 pandemic is a crisis that calls for a different type of response than a hurricane or an earthquake, we're proud to see people mobilizing to help those who are vulnerable and to keep each other safe, healthy, and fed. We’re a small business, and we expect things will get tough before they get better, but we also want to be there for our community and actively seek out new ways to help. We’ve put together some ideas, and wanted to share them with you, our community, as well.

Ways to Help While Staying Home During COVID-19

“Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” 

During times of crisis, this quote from Fred Rogers (better known as Mr. Rogers) always rings true. Whether the crisis is an earthquake, a hurricane, or a pandemic, there are always those who step up to help. We’re honored to have had the opportunity to work with many amazing helpers over the past 10 years, and that LuminAID lanterns have been able to help them bring light to those in need.

Though the COVID-19 pandemic is a crisis that calls for a different type of response than a hurricane or an earthquake, we're proud to see people mobilizing to help those who are vulnerable and to keep each other safe, healthy, and fed. We are grateful to frontline healthcare workers, as well as restaurant, grocery, and delivery workers, and everyone who is staying home right now and practicing social distancing.

Here at LuminAID, we started working from home earlier this month and we are continuing to check in with our customers, partners, and vendors. We’re a small business, and we expect things will get tough before they get better, but we also want to be there for our community and actively seek out new ways to help. We’ve put together some ideas, and wanted to share them with you, our community, as well.

Here are some things you can do to be a helper right now:

Support the Frontline Responders Fund

Two hands wearing latex gloves fist bumping.

Help frontline responders around the world get masks, gowns, gloves and other critical supplies by donating or sharing the Frontline Responders Fund.

Just a $10 donation can help ship 80 masks to first responders.

Support Your Local Community

There are many ways to help in a time like this, and staying at home with your family and practicing social distancing is an important and meaningful way to help keep others safe. You can also find ways to help your community from home.

Here are three ideas for ways to help in your community while staying home:

  1. Donate to a food pantry or buy a gift card from a local restaurant
  2. Check in with an elderly neighbor or family member by phone
  3. Share your skills: find a virtual volunteer opportunity
People giving plastic bags of food to others out of a truck.

Support Nonprofits with a Cash Donation

Many of the nonprofits who deploy with our lights to provide emergency medical aid, meals, and supplies after disasters are now on the frontlines of COVID-19 working to provide treatment, medical supplies, or nutritious meals.

Here are 5 amazing organizations that you can donate to today:

A World Central Kitchen worker distributing food.

For Your Business: Offer a Nonprofit Discount

Does your business offer discounts or free services for nonprofits? Nonprofits will be impacted by COVID-19 financially and operationally, and access to free or low-cost resources can be helpful to them.

Our LuminAID for Nonprofits program publishes a directory of resources available to nonprofits and community groups. These resources do not need to be specific to COVID-19. You can submit a resource via our form here.

A selfie of two men holding their LuminAID lights and smiling in front of a house.

Support Disaster Relief: Give Light

Disaster relief is at the core of our company mission, as LuminAID’s solar lantern technology was created after the 2010 Haiti Earthquake. Unfortunately, natural disasters won’t stop just because we’re facing another crisis, and many nonprofits who will step up to respond when they are needed are going to be facing additional financial and operational challenges due to the current situation.  

We're so grateful to the individual and corporate supporters who sponsor lights through our Give Light, Get Light Program. These gifts of lights are meaningful at any time, but we expect them to become particularly impactful as we approach Wildfire Season and Hurricane Season in a few months. We are working to be prepared to help nonprofits respond quickly with solar lanterns and phone chargers where they are needed, and your support of our Give Light, Get Light program will help us send more lights when there is a need.

You can help by sponsoring lights for Disaster Relief through our Give Light, Get Light program:

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Give Light Lantern.

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The LuminAID Story

Architecture students Andrea Sreshta and Anna Stork invented LuminAID's solar lighting technology after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. They were inspired to design a simple, rechargeable light that could be cost-effectively distributed after disasters. Durable, waterproof, and tested for extreme conditions, LuminAID lanterns are designed for camping, backpacking, kayaking, emergency prep, backyards, pools, and anywhere light is useful. Through the "Give Light, Get Light Program" and our network of nonprofit partners, LuminAID lights have been used in over 100 countries.   LEARN MORE